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WL Genesis
Birth Weight: 70 lbs. Yearling Weight: 725 lbs. Mature Weight: 1,850 lbs.
Champion Bloodlines: Yes
HGL Power Rating (1-10): 8.5
AHCA Registration No.: 59067
Color: Silver
DOB: 4/8/2018
Nt821 Status: Negative
The Son of Angus the 8th of Dunvegan. Imported from Scotland, Angus was an extremely long bull who was a great representative of Scottish Character. Genesis' dam is Black Watch Portia, a fancy Silver Cow that was shown extensively. Genesis was 70lbs. at birth, 725 lbs. at one year old, 1,145lbs. at two years old, 1,560lbs at 3yrs old, and is currently a whopping 1,850lbs as a mature bull. This is on a grass-fed beef producing operation; not a show fed bull. Genesis is a great candidate for both heifers and cows, as his calves' birth weights average in the low 60's for heifers and mid 60's for bulls. His calves are extremely square with good feet and legs with tons of Scottish character and lots of hair. As his sons and daughters come of age and produce their own calves, we remain incredibly impressed with their ability to excel in lots of different programs. His daughters are moderately sized, calve without difficulty, have great udders, and really put a nice calf on the ground that flat out grows. A few of Genesis' sons have become herd bulls. All have been consistent producers and put in the work needed while maintaining condition. Extremely docile, Genesis scores a 1 on the docility scale (1 is the top ranking), he also puts this into calves. Silver is almost impossible to find, and even harder to find in this quality of an animal. This semen can be exported to CSS countries.
Calving Ease?: Yes
Calf Birth Weights: 60-67lbs
Semen Evaluation (Click Here)

WL Genesis' Lineage:

WL Genesis' Sire: Angus the 8th of Dunvegan

WL Genesis' Dam: Black Watch Portia

WL Genesis' Maternal Grandsire: Gilchrist Kodiak
Kodiak was the 1996 NWSS Grand Champion Bull

WL Genesis' Maternal Grand-Dam: Four's Emma
WL Genesis' Progeny:

WL Kandi
(WL Genesis x Schon Boden's Lani)

WL Masie
(WL Genesis x Schon Boden's Josie) - Sold for $12,000 in the 2024 AHCA National Sale

WL Laci
(WL Genesis x Schon Boden's Lani) - Sold for $13,000 in the 2023 AHCA National Sale

WL Genesis Heifer

WL Marcail
(WL Genesis x Summit Ranch Shaelyn)

BTTR Misty
With her 2024 Heifer Calf (WL Genesis x HMS Lady Olive)

WL Lotus
(WL Genesis x WL Quinoa) Owned by Four Star Highlands

WL Noah
(WL Genesis x CBS Jade 13Y) - Sold for $8,250 in HG's Online Auction Nov. 29th

BTTR Daybreak
(WL Genesis x HVF Lady Mackenzie)
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